Build Your Own Dreams

Mar 31, 2013

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
- Farrah Gray


#quotes, #lifequotes, #inspirationalquotes

What is Dropbox? A Simplified Definition and Its Use

Mar 30, 2013

I have been really curious about a software called Dropbox. So with a little research and googling I have found these data about Dropbox. These information will really be of help if you do not like to carry around a flash disk or tired emailing to yourself your unfinished tasks.

How to Delete a Facebook Developer App

Mar 29, 2013

Question: How can I delete an Facebook application that I developed? I do not see a delete button in my developer account console.

5 Values to a Harmonious and Peaceful Relationship in the Family

Mar 28, 2013

Before 2013 Holy Thursday ends, I would like to share this reflection about our families.

Here are the 5 values we should have in our Filipino families to keep a peaceful relationship with each other.

First Time in History: Philippines now Investment Grade

I knew this would happen. I was just not expecting it this soon. The Philippines got a landmark vote of confidence as global debt watcher Fitch raised the country's credit rating to investment grade yesterday, 27th of March, Wednesday.

Qualcomm's 2013 Plans for Philippines + Firefox OS

Leading mobile technology company, Qualcomm, recently expressed their foreseen plans for the Philippines this year, 2013, as well as their collaboration with Mozilla for the Firefox Operating System.

When will the Firefox OS be launched in the Philippines

Recently, I have read an article about a new operating system lurking under the scene. I am talking about the fairly new Mozilla Firefox OS for mobile phones.

Android Jelly Bean for Samsung Galaxy Chat B5330

Mar 27, 2013

Here is a good news for those Samsung Galaxy Chat B5330 owners. Samsung has started releasing an Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update for this lower-end smartphone, released last year.